Announcing the retirement of,
Robert A King, MD


Our world is constantly changing and Children’s Eye Physicians is no exception. We would like to officially announce the Retirement of Dr. Robert King from Children’s Eye Physicians. In January,
Dr. King was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his face. This has been successfully treated, but it did hasten his retirement. He and Carla are moving out of state to spend more time with family, especially their 2 beautiful granddaughters.

In 1993 (30 Years Ago) the idea of Children’s Eye Physicians began on the back of a napkin between the two Founding Partners -Dr. King & Dr. DeSantis. Dr. King & Dr. DeSantis vision has grown into a 10 provider practice with 3 locations and a 4th coming soon in Erie Colorado. Dr. King has been an instrumental part in many community – medical based initiatives throughout Colorado. Dr. King has been both a Mentor and a Great Friend to All of us that have had the great fortune to work alongside him. We at Children’s Eye Physicians realize that we have large shoes to fill but we strive every day to live up to the legacy that Dr. King is leaving us. We are working hard every day to provide world class medical care for our patients and will continue to do so in the future.

If you have been a Long Standing patient and would like to send your appreciation, thoughts or well wishes to Dr. King please e-mail and we will make sure the messages get forwarded to him. Dr. King’s patients will be transferred seamlessly to a new provider to continue their care. Please reach out to our Scheduling Team and they will be happy to help with making that transition to the appropriate provider.

Children’s Eye Physician’s